Sunday, March 25, 2007

Testimonies of Inspiration

Dear Pharmacies,

The Deadline is getting closer and we're running out of time to Table SB397. We must act now to contact our representatives. SB397 has gotten pushed through the Senate and is almost through the House almost as to avoid opposition. No one realized it was even introduced to the Senate until it was too late! I have left you email links to each of the three Missoula representatives at the end of this message... please do your part. You may simply write to them saying that you are opposed to SB397 and fear for patient safety concerns and to please "table SB397" or you may address your own concerns such as why an insurance company is trying to push a bill through legislation only to save a few bucks for themselves while the clinic staff, pharmacies, and worst of all the patients get the shaft! I have attached a letter from a concerned pharmacist stating their concerns as a good example:

Dear Rep. Kerns:

I am asking you to please oppose SB 397. This bill would permit physicians to dispense medications at employer-based clinics. Although this may sound like a good idea at first, taking pharmacists out of the drug distribution system creates serious problems. Pharmacists provide a safety net for medication use, including providing the correct medication at the correct dose and screening for medication allergies, Pharmacists also screen for drug interactions with other prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, nutritional supplements, and herbal products. The pharmacist may have to compound special preparations, such as skin creams or ointments, or mix liquid antibiotics. Pharmacists educate patients about the correct use of medications and how to deal with possible side effects. Upon identifying any actual or potential medication-related problems, a pharmacist will contact the physician to make recommendations and find an appropriate solution. Physicians have a limited amount of time in which to assess a patient by listening to the patient’s problems, performing a history and physical examination, making a tentative diagnosis, ordering laboratory tests, deciding on appropriate treatment, and educating the patient about the treatment plan. They really don’t have time to adequately perform the additional tasks performed by a pharmacist, who have trained for at least 6 years to understand the nuances of medications. An employer-based clinic has a limited choice of mostly generic medications available for dispensing and no controlled substances. This often requires a patient to go to a local pharmacy for some, if not all, of his or her prescriptions. Local pharmacies are often less expensive because of bulk purchasing and special pricing. There are hundreds of medication-related problems and errors prevented by pharmacists every day, saving enormous costs by avoiding hospital and emergency room visits, serious side effects, and even deaths. Please vote no on SB 397 to keep patients at employer-based clinics safe from the many potential dangers of medications.

Please use the following links to contact Missoula's representatives on the House Committee.


Just let your representative know your vote: that you oppose the bill and to "TABLE SB397" thats all that's needed! Becky, Jim, and Starla need our support. Thank you!

For more information pertaining to these bills visit: Montana State Legislation for Bill information, and GrizRPh Current Legislation for a break down of what is happening in Helena with SB397 and more!

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